Sunday, 16 September 2012

In the Weekend

In the weekend I got up early in the morning and went to my dad Kisras. I brought six wrestlers to dad’s place.

We walked over to KFC. I listened to music on dad’s cellphone. When got to KFC I had two chicken, chips and a potato and gravy. Then we walked  outside. We got past thee library I saw someone bleeding, his name was “Turtle”. He had been attacked by a baddy guy. Turtle and his friend didn’t know their letterbox number. They said it was four hundred and something. They found their own way back to their own house. He will probably go to  hospital.

After discovering Turtle we went home. I really, really felt  nervous talking to turtle.

Recount Assessment

Monday, 10 September 2012

Isaiah book Review

The learning in Isaiah’s movie is that he is retelling the story back in his own words. This demonstrates that he is reading for understanding.