Tuesday, 27 August 2013

Emperor's Clothes Technology Challenge

Task: Design two jackets, a skirt and a pair of pants out of newspaper and tape. Every group member must wear an item.

YouTube Video

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Cultural Festival

I'm really feeling excited going to the CBS performance. The whole school is performing some hakas and some waiata. I have to wear black shorts and no top or shoes. We are travelling on buses to get there and Mum is taking me home after.

Wednesday, 14 August 2013

T3 Goal Setting

My literacy goal is to ask questions about the story we are reading in guided reading.
I will work with Miss Sheppard to form questions using facts from the story.

My maths goal is to reach the i times table test.
I will take the tests home and practising, I will also log into mathletics.

My achievement goal is to perform 100% at Cultural Festival.
I will keep practising for the next few weeks until the performance.